Today Cobb County's Wellness Committee, of which I am a member, brought Jeff Galloway to teach a lunch and learn on running, health, and nutrition. It was pretty cool if you are a running geek like me. It was also inspiring. Jeff will be 69 next month and he and his wife run a marathon a month! He used his run/walk method to qualify for Boston this year! Oh yeah and he ran the 10K in the Olympics.
Today he was focusing on running and enjoying the experience and small health changes we can make. I was disappointed we only got about 40 people there, considering we have 4000 employees, but I was there. Not just because I am on the wellness committee. I wanted to meet a guy who trained with Steve Prefontaine, Frank Shorter, Amby Burfoot, and Bill Rodgers. It was pretty cool. I was fascinated that he admits he no longer runs competitively not even in his AG. He said when he ran competitively he was injured about every 20 days. Since focusing on running consistently and listening to his body, he has run injury free for 30 years! That was pretty impressive. I am sorry I did not go up and ask to have our picture taken together for the blog. I am not very brave about doing stuff like that. Still it was a cool experience to meet a part of running history and get some advice.
Top Tips
You don't need to take water for a run under 6 miles.
Water is the preferred drink during a race, you won't rally have time to digest electrolytes
No two runners are alike so you have to experiment
Running safely and consistently is the key to enjoying it
What's said in the running group stays in the running group
Running, any exercise, makes your brain healthier and your cognitive function higher
Short strides are a key to injury prevention
Adding walk breaks gives your muscles time to recover so they can run stronger
Do not overstretch
Don't run through pain
The best diet tool is writing everything you eat down. Makes it a conscious action.
He took a lot of time to answer specific questions rather than talk about himself and that was cool.
Today I am grateful for rare opportunities. Have you ever met a famous runner?
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